GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Playing with Play Framework"

Track: Solution Track Wednesday / Time: Wednesday 14:30 - 15:15 / Location: Don Giovanni 3

Play framework is one of the most productive tools to build page-oriented Web applications in Java or Scala as of today. Play brings joy of programming back to Java language and has very intriguing selling points such as instant code refresh, high scalability, embedded testing, JPA support and more. Framework's main goal is to provide statically-typed languages with productivity benefits comparable to tools like Rails/Grails/Django. The talk will provide an overview of Play most compelling features and capabilities. In the long run this framework has all the chances to be the tool of the choice for your next start-up Web project. Possibilities of integration with other Web technologies (such as Google Web Toolkit) via extension modules will be also covered.
After the talk you will have an understanding of how to start development with Play and what are the potential benefits of that.

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Dmitry Buzdin, JUG Leader Latvia

Dmitry Buzdin

Biography: Dmitry Buzdin

Dmitry is a coding architect specializing in Rich Internet Application development employed at C.T.Co. He maintains a blog on GWT and Agile and has spend the last four years on development of GWT based projects. Dmitry is passionate about Agile development practices and emerging technologies, which make your work more productive. His current interests are JVM alternative languages, DSLs, Cloud computing, HTML5 and parallelization. Dmitry holds Master's degree in Computer Science. In his spare time Dmitry helps to run Java and Agile user groups in Latvia.